Developer Notes

Want your website to turn up in Google Search results? You can submit your website for indexing in Google Search
Occasionally, we need to bring our website visitors to a maintenance page. Don't worry, you can spin up a Maintenance
When you are deploying changes to a WordPress website, you might encounter an error about PHP's upload_max_filesize. Here is one
After installing Android Studio in Ubuntu, you might experience getting a blank screen instead of the Android Studio Setup Wizard.
It might surprise you how much storage space Snap packages use. You will most likely find that your Snap packages
The Loop Grid widget allows you to set the total number of items to load and display in the Loop
Support for the hardware keyboard is no longer enabled by default in Android Virtual Devices (AVDs). If you want to
You can easily download files from your S3 bucket to your local filesystem using Amazon's aws-cli (AWS Command Line Interface).
Sooner or later, you could fall victim to a malicious party who would create a website and social media accounts
You can use Google Maps to retrieve the geographical coordinates of a place, an address, or an arbitrary location. It

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