Developer Notes

Unable to track form submissions in Google Tag Manager

Are you having trouble getting Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track form submissions in your website?

Chances are your form is being submitted to the website using AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML). AJAX requests are not detected by web browsers as form submissions, and neither are they detected as such in Google Tag Manager.

What is AJAX?

AJAX is a technique used by websites to retrieve or submit data to a server after the initial page has loaded, without having to reload the page. The website can then be programmed to perform a specific action based on the response from the server, like updating the content in the current page or providing an alert box for the visitor.

AJAX is quite popular in modern websites because it provides a better user experience. It also tends to be more efficient on server resources because it does not require a full page load.

Tracking AJAX requests in GTM

You need to register a custom event in GTM in order to detect AJAX events. You can follow this helpful guide.

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